A Trip Through My Photo Archives- REVS AMAZE in New York City

revs amaze new york street graffiti

I’ve got a small publishing project on the back burner and as I’m working on it I’m going through my archives of street art and graffiti photos looking for images that fit the project. Some of them deserve a share beyond that project. This is definitely one of them. I’ve loved REVS work since the 1990s, so anything he does is interesting to me. He’s one of the most primal graffiti writers of all time and, unlike someone like JA (a true force of nature when it comes to vandalism) REVS continually reinvents himself. He’s also remained steadfastly outside the mainstream as it’s continued to swallow up graffiti and street art culture. Seeing him hook up with AMAZE, a serious writer in his own right who is also very much inside the mainstream gallery/museum world now, for this roller was a fun capture. This kind of thing is why I still get out and walk the streets looking for new work. Long gone now, I’ve got a small record of this interesting collaboration between two artists from different coasts and different circles.